Teen girls across the U.S. are experiencing dramatic increases in depression and mental illness, but social media and the pandemic have compounded the challenges for Latinas and other girls of color. Culturally competent therapy, whole-child educational initiatives and community-based solutions can help.
Read MoreAmidst a national climate of restriction — with states outlawing critical race theory in schools and conservatives banning books — Arizonans are in a rematch with a politician striking fear in educators who teach identity and racism.
Read MoreIn San Diego, an artist’s new masterwork cements the role of historic Chicano Park as a global icon and a monument to the city’s Latino community.
Read MoreThe debate surrounding on-campus police has intensified against the backdrop of school shootings and the racial reckoning ignited by the George Floyd tragedy. But who supports this intervention – and who opposes it – may be surprising, and their opposing views underscore the tension that pulls at the fabric of diverse communities across the U.S.
Read MoreHer mother’s prison term turned her life upside down, but now Jade Green is leading an organization that’s transforming the lives of young people who have been involved in the justice system — inside a former youth detention center converted into a place of education and triumph.
Read MoreThe impact of a new law that seeks to push undocumented immigrants out of Florida remains to be seen, but key sectors of the local economy are already anticipating its effects. Arizona's experience with anti-immigrant legislation may offer a glimpse into the economic price Florida might pay and the unforeseen political backslash that may come with it.
Read More¿Y si la tecnología influyera en tu éxito académico? En una universidad, las tecnologías analíticas ayudan a más estudiantes negros y latinos a graduarse, pero los investigadores advierten de los posibles riesgos y sesgos raciales en estas herramientas.
Read MoreLeading Latino politicians and artists call for a Hollywood reckoning.
Read MoreWhat if technology was steering your academic success? At one university, predictive analytics is helping more students of color reach graduation, but researchers raise alarm bells about possible pitfalls, and baked-in bias.
Read MorePadres y educadores pueden sentirse impotentes en la búsqueda por detener el consumo de drogas de los adolescentes, pero las intervenciones basadas en evidencia pueden marcar la diferencia al fortalecer las habilidades de los chicos así como sus relaciones con los adultos.
Read MoreWith an Aging Population that Needs Culturally Competent Care, Families Face A Caregiver Crunch.
Read MoreYears of separation weigh heavily on Central American immigrant parents in the San Francisco Bay Area who yearn to reunite with the children they left behind.
Read MoreLos colegios comunitarios ofrecen cada vez más una alternativa asequible para los estudiantes latinos a la hora de obtener una licenciatura.
Read MoreA natural mutation found in Puerto Rican dairy cows might keep them healthier in extreme heat.
Read MoreParents and educators may feel helpless to stop widespread drug use among adolescents, but evidence-based interventions can make a difference by building children’s skills and adult-child relationships.
Read MoreCommunity colleges are increasingly offering a more affordable alternative for Latino students when it comes to getting a bachelor’s degree.
Read MorePolicies, Demand, Spur Affordable Housing Shortage in Puerto Rico.
Read MoreLatino organizations mobilize in support of “Blue Beetle,” the summer’s biggest Latino-themed movie.
Read MoreEn la ciudad de Nueva York, el aprendizaje práctico está cobrando una nueva dimensión a medida que estudiantes colaboran con investigadores para monitorear la contaminación del aire en sus escuelas y vecindarios. Los alumnos usan los datos que generan para abordar las injusticias ambientales y luchar por reformas legislativas más amplias.
Read MoreAs the U.S. Brazilian community grows, so does its political engagement — at times from the far right.
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